Tag: audience development

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here. How many unique types of content have you explored (or been asked to create by overzealous stakeholders) over […]

“Red Bull gives you wings.” “The future of health is on your wrist.” “Recharge your skin’s battery.” We know that metaphors in marketing can be the sizzle that sells your steak but they also run the risk of poisoning the well. Why? Because it turns out that —depending on the context — using metaphors can be […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) People love good stories. A good story has the power to rally communities, call advocates to action, and […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here. How many times have you listened to the re-release of Red this past week? While Swifties may be […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) We spend a lot of time talking about what audiences are doing — what they’re searching for, reading, […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) It was only four short years ago when 70% of consumers indicated in a study that they wanted […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) “What’s in it for me?” It’s a question communicators are trained to ask and answer on behalf of […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) As of last year, 51% of Americans were Millennials or younger, and if you’re focused on international audiences, […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) New research confirms what smart marketers have known all along: Great creative doesn’t just deliver warm and fuzzy […]