Category: Content Strategy

“These independent content creators are killing us,” a head of marketing told me recently.Does this sound familiar? In many markets, Instagrammers, newsletter writers, and YouTubers with next-to-nothing budgets are amassing audiences and trust faster than comparatively well-funded and resourced operations (for example, 90% of the content Gen Z consumes is created by individuals, not […]

I found myself deep in a rabbit hole of anxiety one recent night, with a headache and a clicking sound that both felt like they were getting more intense by the second. Oh, what, you thought I was describing my symptoms? Nope, just describing my experience searching for medical advice online. (The clicking sound was the […]

Do you use marketing platforms and listening tools to get data, or to get insights?

You’re a content marketer in 2024, there’s a war for attention among your competitors (they are, of course, all creating content as well), and you’re trying to figure out how to win. How do you set up for success? We’ve spent the last few years obsessing over the tools the best content marketers use — […]

We were huddled around a conference table in a marketing war room one day around the time that smart-home technology products went from being the stuff of science fiction movies to being real things you could have in your real home. The Internet of Things, as it was being called, was here. As I worked […]

We’ve heard a lot about the frustration of sales teams in the past few months. Building relationships builds business. Remember when we met someone at a trade show, got to know someone over a coffee, pitched to a room full of people and had a discussion about how to best serve them? We’ve been missing […]

There are three things that matter most in content marketing: Audience relevance, content format, and a regular feedback loop.

If you’re a marketer, then you’ve seen an audience persona or two (or two hundred) in your line of work. To be sure, they have the potential to be useful tools that help teams keep their focus on core audiences: A mix of qualitative and quantitative data, from surveys and stakeholder conversations, that is summarized […]

My colleague Andrew wrote recently about one of the pitfalls in performance insights: the temptation to grab easy-to-track metrics as KPIs. They’re right on the front page of your default Google Analytics overview tab, so they must be important, right? Not necessarily! Almost every one of these metrics has at least one fatal flaw when […]