Category: Audience Insights

I’ll admit it: Getting a lot of views to content feels really good. It’s a signal that your strategy is working. It’s a sign that people in your audience want to consume your content and find it really important. Actually, in B2B content marketing it might not be any of those things. It just feels […]

Have you ever sensed that your marketing efforts could be more effective? Maybe your audience engagement rates have slipped a bit over time, or you’re getting less feedback from customers than you used to? Recent research reports that 50% of B2B content marketers flagged data management and analytics as a priority area for their organizations, […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) In 2021, Americans streamed almost 15 million years’ worth of content across subscription and ad-supported platforms. The marketing […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) As a rule, top-performing marketers prioritize their audience’s needs. But developing a true understanding of those needs can […]

We spend a lot of time talking about attention: how to understand it, how to earn it, how to use it to grow. Attracting attention from your target audience is the most foundational building block of content marketing. Without it, your efforts don’t matter. But the second critical building block is trust. Once you’ve commanded […]

We know COVID-19 has changed buying and selling, accelerating digital media trends and creating new norms for how we communicate virtually. But beyond broad theories on what’s changed for marketers, what does it mean practically? And more importantly, how can marketers adapt in the near- and long-term? A new study of B2B buyers and sellers […]

It started out with a click; how did it end up like this? Who among us hasn’t fallen victim to a Netflix binge? The streaming platform has mastered the watch-repeat cycle that marketers call “engagement” and researchers refer to as “the rabbit hole effect,” or people’s tendency to keep consuming a certain type of media. […]

What makes your audience care about the content you’re producing? Regardless of where you are in executing your content strategy, this is the foundational question that must be researched, determined, revisited, obsessed over. So much so that The Atlantic recently posted a robust explanation of what matters to its readers, defined by two years of […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) Like many marketers, we’ve been reflecting on – and imagining – what 2022 might look like for our […]