Author: Joshua Lasky

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) We recently published a TL;DR on what a trillion ad impressions could teach you about content marketing. But […]

Revmade regularly scours the internet for new studies that offer important insights for marketers. Then we write them up for you in as few words as possible. (Want to get them emailed to you? Sign up here.) As of last year, 51% of Americans were Millennials or younger, and if you’re focused on international audiences, […]

If your communications aren’t matched to how your audience uses technology and the internet, how can you expect to reach and engage them?

As audiences’ digital media habits evolve, marketers must evolve with them. That’s why we were keen to read the latest research in the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism’s Digital News Report 2021. Compelling in a normal year, this report is an essential review following one of the most disruptive years ever for […]

At Revmade, we’re constantly keeping track of content trends across our clients’ industries through an approach we call our Relevance Monitor – a methodology for uncovering audience intelligence for our clients that we’re constantly refining. And today we decided to kick off a series of articles to look at what’s relevant across different industries and […]

Think about the last major decision you made for your business. Did you use your gut, or did you use your data? Marketing leaders often opt for somewhere between the two ends of this spectrum for most of their decisions: On one end, you make decisions based purely on your anecdotal experience, without meaningful external […]

Protesters in the streets. Current and former employees lambasting you and your team on live television. The Prime Minister himself condemning your strategy. And it all could have been easily avoided with a few conversations with key stakeholders. The rise and fall of the Super League — a proposed new European soccer league — is […]

We’re fascinated by the rapidly evolving nature of our industry and the broader content marketing space. Technologies and methodologies that were pipe dreams even five years ago are now reaching full adoption among the most sophisticated content marketers. But this comes with a downside — bad actors use these same technologies to take advantage of […]

Have you ever tried to find information about an embarrassing health issue? Something you wouldn’t want to share with your friends or acquaintances? Of course you have — and like most people, you probably did it through a search engine. Google is a repository of a seemingly uncountable number of queries on topics we’d […]