Month: March 2021

A couple of years ago, I had the chance to present a session about marketing ROI to a room full of marketing and salespeople at an industry event. My co-presenter (Steph Holland, who leads an award-winning marketing and revenue generating sales team at C&EN for the American Chemical Society) and I joked that it was […]

Your subject-matter experts are basically geniuses. They are solving complicated problems with nuanced and well-developed points of view. They understand the context, background, ancient history, pros, cons, landmines, tripwires, roadblocks and hurdles surrounding all the challenges your audience (read: your prospective and current customers) may face. Of course they do. This is what makes them […]

Have you ever tried to find information about an embarrassing health issue? Something you wouldn’t want to share with your friends or acquaintances? Of course you have — and like most people, you probably did it through a search engine. Google is a repository of a seemingly uncountable number of queries on topics we’d […]